Sunday, January 16, 2011



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Believers and Reality

In a recent post, I received a comment from a follower of my page who went under the name of "Holy Potato" (great name!). This question really got me thinking. I started to reply and realized that I want to make this reply public. So here it goes....

Holy Potato: "Have you ever seen a believer not willing to circumvent reality in one way or the other?"

Me:  Believers like to talk their ways around facts. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used to be a christian. At the time of being a christian, I chose to hang around christian friends. I felt that being around other christians, would help me feel stronger about the religion because I was on the fence about it. My best friend at the time was my neighbor. His dad was the pastor at the church that I went to. Many times I have told the Pastor that I was on the fence about my faith. I would bring questions to him. At the time, I thought that his answers were true. Now, with a logical mindset, I realized that his answers do nothing but raise more questions. You will notice that religious belivers are very good with words. They choose words that work their way around your questions. The number one form of "answers" that they like to use, is Socratic questioning. When you ask a question, they will ask you a question.

You Ask: "What evidence of a god do you have?"
They Answer "What evidence do you have that there is no god?"

They will ask questions that will make you answer your own question in their favor.

So back to the main point. Religious people will completely ignore the facts of life, or they will acknowledge them, but work their way around them. You will see religious people make things up as they go. They will give you reasons that things happen, that are not stated in the bible

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank You All

I took the time to read my entire blog over today. Its actually kinda funny how I realized that my own thought process has changed in this short amount of time of expressing my thoughts on religion. When I first started the blog, I only planned to post once a month or two or whenever I had a large amount of spare time. But from the reaction that I got from the first few posts, It sorta evolved into a lifestyle for me. I spend almost all of my free time, looking for more ideas, better thoughts, and just simple ways to improve my blog. It is probably the most useful thing to me and the others who read it. This is my thank you to all of you who have supported this blog. You support is what is keeping it going. :)



Sunday, January 9, 2011

America Founded On Christianity?

I have had many messages and email from christians saying that Atheists should all leave the country because America was founded on christian beliefs.

 The whole reason that people left for America, is because they wanted religious freedom. And last time I read a history textbook, it explained that these people were being controlled by the christians, forced to believe, forced to pay taxes to the church, and ran out of the country if it was proven that they were not christians. In the first amendment of the Constitution, it specifically explains the separation of church and state. This is because they did not want any religious thoughts coming into how the country was run. Even though none of our forefathers were Atheists and some were christians, MOST OF OUR FOREFATHERS WERE DIESTS (meaning that they delive that god created the universe then abandoned it). Take a look at some of these quotes:
  • "Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
    —Ben Franklin
  • "Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded prospect."
    —James Madison
  • "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."
    —Thomas Jefferson
  • "All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."
    —Thomas Paine
  • "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."
    —Thomas Jefferson

In 1796, while John Adams was in office, the Treaty of Tripoli was signed and in the treaty, it specifically stated in article 11 that the United States was not founded on the christian religion. 

  Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Enough said. If something that was wrote by our FOUNDING FATHERS that speciffically states that we ARE NOT a christian country, doesent shut them up. Then nothing will..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yet A Little More Christian "Logic"

Okay so there is a website on the internet called It is a site where people can anonymously express their opinions. In the category of my home town, someone made a post about Christians. There were some good views and some people made good points. But there was one post that caught my eye.. 

This person used the screen name "Believer":

"Let's say for one moment that there is a God. And let's say that this God is the supreme being of the universe. This God has breathed worlds, planets, galaxies, stars and life into existence. Now let me is it that we expect this God to coincide with human logic? This is often the issue in this atheist-christian debate. Often, Christians as well, along with atheists expect God to coincide with human logic. It's quite laughable, that we think that our logic is, or should be in line with God's logic. this God that sees beyond anything that we can even dream about. Even beyond time itself."

My Reply:

Lets say for one moment that there is no god. And lets say that nothing happened in the beginning, and that nothing will happen when we die. Lets say that everyone in the world opened their eyes, and realized that there is no god. We would be more technologically advanced, way less war, genocides never happened, less slavery. I could go on with this list all night but I'm going to stop here. Anyways, back to the main point. Logic is logic. There is no higher or better logic than anyone else's. Logic is the the way you think, your thought process. And just because you believe in this imaginary friend, you are technically claiming that your "logic" (or lack of) is the same as your god. Which it is a sin to compare yourself or make yourself appear to be on the same level as your god. 

Doesn't it seem a little funny how christians believe that their logic is beyond ours? They claim to be logical people, but yet they believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who watches us, and judges our every move. They base their life on nothing but blind faith. There has never nor will be any proof of any "god" or supreme being. We (Atheists)  point that out and they try to say that we have no logic because we refuse to believe in the imaginary friend that they use as an excuse for all the fucked up things that they did in their lives. Atheists have more logic than any religious believer. We look for a way to fix things. Religious people pray and ask for help. Which seems to me like the act of a coward. Someone who cannot face their own reality. So they make up an imaginary friend and hope that this imaginary friend that they call "god", will solve all of their problems. SOUNDS REAL LOGICAL TO ME!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Reasoning Against Christianity

In the first post, I explained that I do not like any religion but I dislike the christianity the most. Here is my reason why:

Most Christians believe that their god is a good and loving god, and wants people to do good things.   I also know that many Christians haven’t really read the Bible, or just read certain passages in church. I can understand why, because the bible makes no sense. It makes references to things that do not exist. It tells you that people lived to be over 900 years old (Impossible). It tells you that jesus is a zombie  Also many priests and preachers don’t like to read some of the passages from the Bible because they present a message of hate not love. So they are even censoring their own religious book.

Christians always say that if you don't read the bible, then where do your morals come from?
Morals do not come from the bible. They are just the natural human instincts. Nobody wants to be raped, murdered, stole from, struck, lied to, or anything along those lines. The bible teaches more immorality than any other book. Christians people call Atheists bigots. But yet they completely ignore the evil, violent and criminal acts that their, so called "perfect god", commits. The bible is influentially  responsible for the mass murder, rape, child abuse, and even slavery of millions upon millions of people. 

For those who have read the bible, or if you would like to look it up and see for yourself.
  •  In the book of 2 Kings, in the bible, chapter 10, verses 15-30: god orders the death of anyone who worships another god. More than 2 million people were killed. 
  • In Exodus, chapter 21, verses 1-13: god allows slavery and even fathers could sell their own daughters as sex slaves.
  • In Judges, chapter 2: Everyone of Jabesh-gilead was killed, except the virgin women. They were taken from their home and raped and forced to marry.
  • In the First Chronicles, chapter 21: David ordered a census, and god killed 70,000 people.
What moral person could justify these atrocities from a "perfect god"?
The christian god could be compared to Hitler, Stalin, or Hussein.

  • Hitler had more than 6 million people killed because they didn't believe what he wanted them to. Same situation with Hussein (just less people). Sounds pretty familiar from 2 Kings  10:18-2
  • Stalin had man-made a famine and starved between 6 and 7 million Ukrainians, simply because they wanted independence. Again it sounds familiar from Leviticus 26:20-30 


This part is just to show that the story of the bible isn't even unique. Plagiarism.

I owe the rest of this article to Atheism Resource.

  • Who was the Son of the highest God, and the biggest healer in Antiquity? He healed the sick and even raised the dead. Hear and behold: former paralysed walked again, the blind could miraculously see again, and the deaf could listen and the mute speak after the Master’s gentle touch! But he did not only heal the body, he also healed the soul. They called him Saviour and Redeemer, and he healed both rich and poor, men and women, young and old, slaves and free men, friends and enemies. In one occasion a paralysed man was brough to him in his bed, and took his bed and left walking after the Saviour had touched him. What was this Saviour’s name?

… Asklepios. He was around from as early as 1500BC

  • Who was born by a mortal virgin mother and had a divine Father, and was known as the “Saviour of the world”? Before he was born his parents wandered to a bigger town, and prophets had foretold his birth and that he would be a king. This instigated a search for the infant Saviour by a leading figure who wanted to kill him. After growing up the Son of God was shown all the kingdoms of the world from a high mountain. He also walked on water and when he met his end his mother and his favorite disciple stood by him. He then tells his mother: “Do not cry, I’m going to heaven”. When he dies he utter: “It is finished” and the earth trembles and darkness cover the land. Then he ascended to heaven, and his greatest achievement was to conquer death.

His name was of course…Hercules.  His Temple was built in 21BC


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yell Me You Opinion

Whats Your Opinion

Christians Trying To Explain Themselves

Okay I am going to go off of what he is saying:
And just for clarification, this man's name is Edward Current. He Is NOT actually a christian. He is doing this video from the perspective of a christian.
Everything he says is in captions. My replies are plain.

  • Atheists say that the bible isn't real. His Reply: "Oh Yeah, what do you call this.".. My Reply: Atheists know that the bible physically exists in the world. What we are saying is that what is being said in the bible is not factual or real. IT NEVER HAPPENED.
  • "Atheists ask how I know that the bible is gods true word." His Reply: "I know I'm right, because that is what the bible says." My Reply: Okay so you are going off of a presumably fake book. If I wrote a fantasy book about unicorns, trolls, and leprechauns and said that it was real, would you believe it. The same question in better words; Without referring to the bible, what actual proof do you have that shows that the bible is factual?
  • "Atheists say that the universe just happened, and that it didn't require a creator." His Reply: "The only way thats can happen is if god makes it happen. And the only thing that can exist without having been created, thats god." My Reply: Okay so where in the hell did your "god" come from? And How did he create something from nothing. Take a look at the Big Bang Theory.I do not have the time to explain the big bang theory. (just look it up).  Even though it is a theory and not 100% proved, if you look at the Big Bang Theory and put it to the scientific method. It makes perfect sense. Now take creationism and put it to the scientific method. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
  • "Atheists say that the earth is radio-metrically dated to be billions of years old." His Reply: "But 2/3 of the bible websites that I visit, say that radiometric dating is rubbish" My Reply: Okay, again you are getting your information  from a biblical website. Try looking at a scientific website or book that has to do with radiometric dating. It completely explains the process of the dating process. Can you show me any proof, other than the bible, that says that the world is only a few thousand years old?
  • "Atheists say that all life on earth was not designed exclusively for man's pleasure." His Reply: " But look at the way a banana fits the human hand." My Reply: Look at the way the banana fits a monkey's hand. Look at the way an acorn fits a squirrel's cheek.  Look at how animals survive. If earth was created for man's pleasure, why would we need simple machines, such as levers, pulleys, ramps, and even the wheel. Wouldn't those things already be available for us. Why would we need a car? If earth was made for us, wouldn't we be able to just levitate to our destination. Why would we need phones? Shouldn't we be able to just telepathically communicate with each other? We created these items to adapt to our environment, just like any other primitive animal.
  • "Atheists say that praying for things doesn't do anything." His Reply: "If you pray for something and god thinks you should have it, you will get what you want every single time. Prayer has a 100% success rate." My Reply: Take Wilmington,Ohio for example. Glenn Beck, a popular FOX News speaker, went to Wilmington and spoke on the fact that Wilmington has the highest job loss in America. He focused on the fact that they have been very religious and praying a lot. These people did nothing wrong and they lost their jobs. They DESERVE a job, and pray for work but yet it still hasn't come. People are being forced to move for work. There are many examples of this happening everywhere and people pray and nothing is happening.
  • "Atheists say that christians like me are brainwashed." His Reply:  "The Bible says: 'Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of god'." My Reply: And yet again, you are quoting from the bible. Give me some kind of real proof that shows that the bible is factual. ( I feel like we covered this in the second statement...)
  • "Atheists say that homosexuality is not an abomination in the eyes of god." His reply: " God created Adam and Eve, not Eve and Evon." My Reply: Okay, so for the hundredth time, YOU ARE QUOTING FROM A FICTIONAL BOOK, WITHOUT ANY PROOF.
  • "Atheists say that intelligence evolved out of dust." His Reply: " But has Albert Einstein ever crawled out from under your sofa? Didn't think so." My Reply: The intelligence came from the elements that formed together over millions of years. The combination of many different elements that became molecules that eventually became an atom the combination of many different atoms that eventually became a cell and so on..
  • "Atheists say that christians are arrogant to presume to speak for the creator of the universe." His Reply: I say that they are the ones who are arrogant. And the creator of the universe just confirmed that with me." My Reply: ROFL. Can you prove that "god" just confirmed that with you??

If You Are A Christian, Answer This..

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christian Reasoning And Excuses

About 4 days ago, a religious missionary group had approached me outside of Wal-Mart. One of the men come up to me and started to tell me that Jesus loves me. I did not want to hear about his imaginary friend, so I kindly told him that I am an Atheist and I do not believe in god. I went inside, got my items and as I was walking out of the store, the same man approached me and asked me what makes me an Atheist. He had a very ignorant tone in his voice. So I turned around and asked him what makes him a christian? And what makes him so sure that god is real? He started to give me quotes from the bible. I interrupted him and said to put the bible to the side for one second. "You are trying to convince me to believe in your imaginary friend, and the only tool or basis that you can give me is a book." he didn't say anything. just stared at me. I continued "How do you know for sure that everything in that book is true?" "How do you know that it isn't just like The Lord Of The Rings?" He tried again to feed me more bible verses, saying that I must believe and repent. I stopped him again. I said "This is you one chance, If you can PROVE that god is real, without using the bible, then I will convert right now." He then said that if I just believed in god then I would know....

I am saying this from experience. Less than 5 years ago, I was a full blown christian. I read the bible everyday. Prayed. Went to church. And confessed my "sins". The entire time I never had any religious experience, or even felt different. It was when I started to think logically about life, is when I realized that there is no god. Religion is a superstition. Just like the old saying "If you step on the crack, you will break your mothers back." The Point that I am getting at is that even christians know that they cannot prove there is a god but yet they want you to believe in "him". The only proof that they will give you is nonsense like "look around you, god is everywhere" or "see the purity in a baby's face" and the most famous cop out "You cannot prove there is a god, you must have faith". There is no proof and never will. God is just as real as the unicorns and leprechauns.

A Spirit?

I had a conversation with a girl on Facebook concerning a spirit and an afterlife. She explained to me that she is an Agnostic. She feels that there is no supreme being/god, but she believes that she has a spirit and that there is an afterlife.... I do not have anything against Agnostics. I believe Agnosticism is the last step before Atheism. But this girl sounded so sure that she had a spirit and that there was an afterlife.

Okay, so in order for something to LOGICALLY (NOT IMAGINARY) exist, there has to be a physical presence. Can anyone give me a specific spot in your body where your soul resides??? I didn't think so. Well after I proved that point, she then tried to tell me that it is scientifically proven that your body gives off an aura. I agreed with her on that part. But then she tried to say that the aura is from your soul. (DISAGREE!) For those of you who do not know what an aura is, it is a radiation surrounding a person or object. An aura is given off from your body because of the fact that there is always an electrical current running through your body. (My desk lamp has an aura!) The intelligence of religious/spiritual people kills me!

Friday, December 24, 2010


This man is George Carlin. He explains his religious views. This man's ideas are brilliant!

Religion Is Pressed And Censored

Religious people try to press their views on people and will not let off. I personally believe that religion is pressed on people for power. These religious leaders and communities want to drill their ideas in your head to control you. They want to censor what you see and hear to make their ideas look stronger. The reason why is that if someone has the answer to forever happiness, then a person will do whatever it takes to get that. If "god" says to give their church all of your money and you will go to heaven, then you're gonna do it. If "allah" says to steal a plane and crash it into a tall building and you will go to paradise with 72 virgins, you're gonna do it. Whatever religion that you believe in, they promise something if you do what they say. Give me one example of any religion that doesn't promise something, if you obey...........NONE! They all promise something. Its all for control. They tell you not to live for the material goods in your life. That is so that there is more that they can promise you. They tell you to ignore all facts that are proven in reality, and listen to everything they say that comes from a book.

Smart Atheists

I was told once by a religious bible thumper that Atheism/Agnosticism is stupid....
Well I don't think these people are/were very stupid:

  • Albert Einstein- Considered to be the smartest person known to man.
  • Abraham Lincoln- Some consider him to be the greatest president ever.
  • Vincent Van Gogh- One of the greatest painters of all time.
  • Mark Twain- One of the greatest writers of all time.
  • Benjamin Franklin- another smart ass person..
  • John Adams- US President.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte- One of the greatest French leaders.
  • John Lennon- One of the greatest British musicians.
  • Walter Disney- Creator of Disney cartoons, Disney Channel, Disneyland
  • William Howard Taft- Another US President.
  • Thomas Edison- One of the greatest American Inventors.
  • Thomas Paine- Author and Revolutionary Leader.
  • Democritus- Greek Philosopher.
And I can name at least a hundred more Atheist or Agnostic people who did something great in the world.

It's funny how religious people ignore all proven facts and go with their own beliefs. And they even try to prove these facts wrong with theories..

My Logic On Religion

I do not like any religion. But I dislike Christianity the most (will talk about later) . All Religions have a "GOD" or supreme being. There is no proof of these "GODS". But Yet these religious bible/quran thumpers claim that their god loves you and is your ultimate friend.  So, considering that there is no proof of existence, from a logical perspective, wouldn't that mean that "god" is an imaginary friend?

I was taught at a young age that my imaginary friend, "George", was not real. The way my parents explained it was that I cannot see him, and there is nothing that proves that he is real. Wouldn't the same apply for the imaginary friend, "god"? I got in a lot of trouble when I was young because I told my parents that my imaginary friend told me to do something that I was not supposed to. But yet I have some complete strangers come up to me in a parking lot asking me to believe in their imaginary friend, "god", and to do what he says in a book. I THINK NOT!

During the times of 476 AD to 1000 AD, was the times when all of the people believed in an all powerful being, "god", the church ruled everyone and there was no science or logical reasoning. This time is history was called THE DARK AGES.

Here Is A Little Quote For You To Think About...

Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldnt be here if stars hadnt exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - werent created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.
~Lawrence M. Krauss